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Flags of One Family on Earth
A living experience of global oneness


The Vision
Large Wings - square icon.jpg

Who we are

A living experience of global oneness

Flags that unite rather than divide

all people on Earth

Many colors and sizes visually depict

our diversity, oneness, beauty

and capacity to harmonize

Making visible

the evolving potential of humanity

to work together for the good of the whole

Become a Steward Organization

Flags of One Family is seeking a global organization to become the permanent steward of Wings of the Heart Project. This is a benevolent offering to an organization that can help grow the project to a larger scale. The Wings came to earth now it is their time to spread and become a global tradition. Your organization can make a lasting impact with this global symbol. Contact us for more information.

Our Story

In 1984, artist Linda DeHart was given the vision of these flags. Since then, people have been using them in celebrations for peace around the world including: 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Nicholas Roerich Museum in Moscow, events with The World Peace Prayer Society in New York, Brahma Kumaris Peace Village and many other locations.

Travel to outer space shows us that we are no longer limited by geopolitical boundaries, and are a whole, living, interconnected organism. These Flags

create for people the feeling of belonging  

to our planet. Flags of One Family on Earth are an international symbol of humanity's potential to live in global Oneness. 

On January 1, 2020, Linda at age 80, had an interior knowing that this would be the year of integration of the Flags. Currently, we are seeking a committed, global and conscious organization to take over the project so the Flags can grow and spread as intended. Please contact us to discuss this benevolent offering



We Are Family

Click here to view a powerful audiovisual collaboration with Colors In Motion®

and Amanda Waring's poem, “We Are Family.”

This is one of the many ways

The Flags of One Family help make visible

the power of the message of unity and peace.


Together, we can be the change. 



Click here to view an inspirational video by Colors in Motion® depicting the birth of the

Flags of One Family coming to Earth. 

Wings Flags.png

Making Flags

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This video demonstrates how to make
The Flags of One Family.
Email about upcoming workshops to make flags
and envision their use in the world.

Wings In The World

A Celebration In The Making
Unity for Peace: Music and Dance at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
September 22, 2024
Something profound happened in Hiroshima this year which included the appropriate use of the Wings of the Heart. Jon Ramer’s visual capture of a moment of profound healing speaks of forgiveness, which is “up" for and with Humanity at this time.
Silver Jubilee 2023 - Mauritius
December 19, 2023
The Wings of the Heart were a prominent fixture in Sister Clotilde's Silver Jubilee in Mauritius, providing a powerful, vibrant expression throughout the ceremony, showing beautifully to all the world "que tous soient un (that all are one)."
Unity Earth LA Convergence
March 28, 2023
The L.A. Convergence brought together global leaders working at the intersection of science, technology, transformative practices and the arts, and social justice activists working at the grassroots level — a coming together of wisdom and beauty with collective interaction to empower system-wide change.
World Unity Week
June 19-26, 2021
World UNITY Week is seeding new ground and culture in a collective, virtual garden of experiences, at the intersection of science, spirituality, and technology. It is free to all who attend. With reverence, love and purpose, we welcome all to be active co-creators in this exploration of what it means to truly grow and nurture a garden that can sustain us all.
Caravan of Unity
August 28-September 30, 2020
The Caravan of Unity is a groundbreaking tour for peace and unity moving across the USA in September 2020. Starting in the historic Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and culminating in Washington DC, the Caravan will weave its way from West to East, carrying a torch of hope and healing for this time of historic challenges.
The Caravan of Unity final stop on September 29, 2020 in Washington, D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial.
Peace Weekend
September 19-21, 2020
With major events in cities on every continent, thousands of local gatherings, as well as a 72 hour broadcast with an anticipated audience in the millions, Peace Weekend 2020 is designed to grow into the largest celebration of peace in human history.
The Flags of One Family have been a part of 
• Caravan of Unity 2020 
• Birth 2012 in Arlington and Cambridge, MA
1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Nicholas Roerich Museum in Moscow
The World Peace Prayer Society in New York
Harmonic Convergence 1987
Brahma Kumaris Peace Village

and many other events worldwide

"Love Is In The Wind"
Care First World Magazine

Louis Bohtlngk interviews Linda Dehart 
Autumn 2024

Sharing the history of the Flags of One Family, along with how they are being used around the world today.
"Flags of One Family:
The Art of Shared Humanity"
Trends Magazine

by Lily Ben-Eli
September -November 2024

A beautiful sharing of the co-creative experience of making Wings of the Heart in Linda DeHart's studio in Cambridge, MA.

Tell Us Your Story

Spread the word about your experience flying 
Flags of One Family on Earth as Wings of the Heart
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